January 2013, the American wheel manufacturer Accuride company (AccurideCorp.) Announced that it plans to spend $ 30 million in 2015 to increase plant capacity. Jaguar had implemented a $150 million investment plan in 2011, of which $55 million was used to expand the production capacity of aluminum alloy wheels, doubling the company's forged aluminum wheel production capacity and the company's Casting parts business was integrated. Acugula said that the investment in 2011 has significantly improved product quality and delivery efficiency. The company recently signed new long-term supply contracts with several major customers, accounting for 70% of its core business, including annual A $30 million alloy wheel business. Yagullah, headquartered in Indiana, USA, consists of four business units, each of which manufactures and sells commercial wheel hubs , wheel-end components, truck body and chassis components, and other commercial vehicle components. ALUMINUM MOULD The cast aluminum mold is generally placed above the sealed crucible or the holding furnace, and compressed air is introduced into the crucible or the holding furnace to cause a low pressure (0.06-0.15 MPa) on the surface of the molten metal, so that the aluminum liquid is filled up by the riser tube. Aluminumn Mold,Insert Moulding,Insert Molding,Aluminum Mold Casting Intertech Machinery Inc. , https://www.taiwanmouldmaker.com
Yagulla plans to spend 30 million US dollars to expand the production of automobile wheels