The use of carbon* analytical instruments

The use and maintenance of carbon and sulfur analysis instruments 1. All carbon and sulfur analyzer facilities carry the responsibility of special personnel, prevention, regular protection, and timely maintenance. The maintenance, protection, commissioning, and minor repair of laboratory instruments and facilities are the responsibility of the experimenter. .

2. Day-to-day protection: refers to the routine protection performed according to the operation and management procedures of the carbon-sulfur analyzer. Key projects include external cleaning, lubrication, fastening, and visual inspection of carbon-sulfur analyzers.

3. Class 1 protection: This project is to enter the inside of the facility (global cleaning, lubrication and fastening) from the outside of the carbon-sulfur analyzer. It focuses on the protection of the general detachable (such as the demolition of the shell) instruments. Partial disintegration detection and adjustment, the commissioning of the entire carbon-sulfur analyzer, or flooding, etc.

4. Secondary protection: This project focuses on the internal protection of the fast carbon-sulfur analyzer in front of the furnace. It focuses on the disintegration or indiscriminate testing and adjustment of the key components of the general detachable pre-furnace testing instrument. Replacing delicate parts, at the same time, it also includes a re-counting combination of all supporting components in the complete set of equipment, replacing the vulnerable parts. In addition, accuracy, detection, calibration, and calibration of instruments of various types that have been used for a long time (more than three years) are included. Make the instrument often tidy, lubricated, safe, and usable.

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