Paqiu Pachuca slot has a slot for ore leaching cyanide (FIG. 1, FIG. 2) and a noble metal from the slurry after adsorption of the metal cyanide Pachuca adsorption tank. Pachuca adsorption tanks are also used for cyanidation and adsorption operations. Therefore, a slurry agitating circulator for supplying high-pressure air is provided in the tank. The housing and components of the tank are made of mild steel. Figure 1 Pachuca air mixing leaching tank 1-central tube; 2-feed tube; 3-compressed air tube; 4-low discharge pipe; 5-up discharge pipe; 6-slot Figure 2 Pachuca cyanide tank made in the former Soviet Union 1-tank; 2-circulator with intermediate air lifter; 3-connected fan branch pipe; 4-plus reagent liquid pipe head; 5--cover observation and sampling hole; 6-disperser; 7-with cover hole; 8-pipe; 9-valve The structure of the Pachuca adsorption tank is shown in Fig. 3. After the supplied slurry is adsorbed by the resin, the slurry and resin in the tank are poured into the slurry buffer by the air lifter, and the slurry is folded back to the distributor by the action of the deflecting plate, and the slurry is transferred through the slit and the trough at the bottom of the distributor. The inclined sieve was inclined at 30° to separate the slurry and the resin. The slurry less than 0.2mm passes through the screen, and flows through the sieved trough to the next tank. The resin is rolled back from the sieve to the Pachuca tank, or sent to the previous adsorption tank through the launder during countercurrent adsorption. The upper part of the slurry buffer has an exhaust pipe joint to discharge excess air during operation of the air lifter. The upper cover of the discharge device is also provided with two holes for observing, cleaning the distributor slot and installing the repair air lifter. The inclined screen is embedded in the guiding discharge device and can be quickly loaded and unloaded. The screen uses a stainless steel wire with a diameter of 0.2 to 0.25 mm and is woven into a mesh of 0.4 mm. The processing capacity is determined by the quality of the grinding and the physical properties of the ore. When the clay ore slurry is sieved, the treatment capacity of the sieve is 20 to 25 m 3 /(m 2 ·h); and the sieved granular quartz ore is 40 to 50 m 3 ∕ (m 2 ·h). To reduce heat loss of the adsorption process, the tank is coated with the shell plating layer of insulating material 50 ~ 60mm thick, leather or fabric wrapped iron reuse. Figure 3 Pachuca adsorption tank 1-tank; 2-circulator; 3-air lifter; 4-discharge device; 5-slurry buffer; 6-deflection plate; 7-distributor; 8--slant screen; 9-disperser; 10--acquisition vent tube The adsorption section is provided with two compressed air lines of high pressure and low pressure. The air lifter transports the slurry using a low pressure (not exceeding 202.65 kPa (2 atm)) compressed air. The air consumption is related to the slurry concentration and the lift height, and is usually 2 to 4 m 3 ∕m 2 pulp. High pressure [405.3 kPa (4 atm)] compressed air is supplied to the slurry agitator to agitate the slurry. There are several other structural forms for the discharge device of the small volume (20-40 m 3 ) Pachuca adsorption tank. They are also directly mounted on the groove of the Pachuca slot. This form of assembly accounts for almost a quarter of the effective volume of the Pachuca slot. Titanium Dioxide For Masterbatch Titanium Dioxide For Masterbatch Grade,Titanium Dioxide For Pe,Titanium Dioxide For Pp,Titanium Dioxdie For Ps Guangdong Jintai Titanium Industry Co.,ltd ,
Pachuca adsorption tank