Hot and cold cycle tester prohibited test items

The hot and cold cycle tester is able to tolerate the product under extremely low temperature and extremely low temperature in a continuous environment. It can detect chemical changes or physical damage caused by thermal expansion and contraction of the sample in a short time.

Hot and cold cycle testing machine prohibited test items (1), explosives:
1. Nitroglycol (ethylene glycol dinitrate), nitroglycerine (glycerol trinitrate), nitrocellulose and other explosive nitrates.
2. Trinitrobenzene, trinitrotoluene, trinitrophenol (picric acid) and other explosive nitro compounds.
3. Peracetic acid, methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, benzoyl peroxide and other organic peroxides.
(b) Combustibles:
1. Spontaneous Combustion: Metals: "Lithium", "Potassium", "Sodium", Yellow Phosphorous, Phosphorous Sulfide, Red Phosphorus. Celluloids: calcium carbide (calcium carbide), phosphatized lime, magnesium powder, aluminum powder, sodium bisulfite.
2. Oxide properties:
(1) Potassium chlorate, sodium chlorate, ammonium chlorate and other chlorates.
(2) Potassium peroxyate, sodium peroxyate, ammonium peroxoate, and other peroxyacid salts.
(3) Potassium peroxide, sodium peroxide, barium peroxate, and other inorganic peroxides.
(4) Potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate and other nitrates.
(5) Potassium hypochlorite and other hypochlorite.
(6) Sodium chlorite and other chlorites.
(III) Inflammables:
(1) Ether, gasoline, acetaldehyde, propylene oxide, carbon disulfide, and other substances that do not burn at -30°C.
(2) Normal ethane, ethylene oxide, acetone, benzene, methyl ethyl ketone, and other substances with a flash point above -30°C but less than 0°C.
(3) Methanol, ethanol, dimethylbenzene, amyl acetate, and other substances that have a flash point of less than 0°C above 0°C.
(4) Kerosene, gasoline, turpentine, isoamyl alcohol, acid vinegar, and other substances that have a flash point of more than 30°C and less than 65°C.
(D), flammable gas:
Hydrogen, acetylene, ethylene, methane, ethane, propane, butane, and other gases that may combust at 1 atmosphere at 15°C.

Bearing Grease

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Hangzhou Xingang Lubrication Technology Co., Ltd. ,