Describe the function of the buttons on the inverter

Describe the function of the buttons on the inverter Inverter is a kind of commonly used energy-saving and power-saving equipment. It has applications in electronic equipment in many industries. These electronic equipments are some high-power equipment. After installing an upconverter, it can save energy and power. The role. There are many buttons on the power controller of the inverter. The functions of these buttons are different. If you press the wrong button, it will cause a lot of trouble. How much do we know about the functions of the buttons on the frequency converter? The following Xiao Bian will tell you about the function of the buttons on the inverter.

Most buttons on the inverter are located on the panel. Different brands and models are slightly different. Generally, there are:

START or RUN or 1: Start STOP or 0: Stop JOG: Jog the MENU or PROGRAMME: Menu or Programming ▲ or ↑: Adjust the parameter upwards ↓: Adjust the parameters downwards ESC or CLEAR: Exit or clear RETURN or OK: Accept or Return JOG: Move. When we need to jog, click to jog; if we keep pressing, we will always run in jog mode;

REV: back (reverse);

FW: Forward (forward);

PRG: enter the parameter setting interface;

DSPL: This looks like entering the programming interface;

BNTER: This should be ENTER? Confirmation: After the parameters are set, you need to press this key to save the parameters.

SHIFT: Toggle; This function is mainly used to switch between the parameters monitored by the control panel. For example, if you monitor the frequency, press this key, it may be the rated voltage, rated current and other parameters.

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