What happens when the hydraulic pump of the concrete pump truck emulsifies?

When the driver of the concrete pump truck was operating, he encountered the condition that the hydraulic oil in the concrete pump truck had emulsified. Then how should an effective treatment be performed? Before proceeding with the problem, the concrete pump truck must have the cause of hydraulic oil emulsification, and the water is also the direct condition of the emulsification of the hydraulic pump oil of the concrete pump truck. When water enters the hydraulic system, some of the following conditions occur.


1, because the air in the water because of cold and hot alternately under the condition of the condensation occurs, and finally will make a drop of water droplets into the oil.

2. When the sealing performance of flanges and weld seams of concrete pump trucks is not strict, it will also cause rainwater to leak into the tanks, causing rainwater droplets to fall into the tank.

3. When the pumping tank of the concrete pump truck has been damaged, moisture will be directly substituted into the hydraulic system by the piston rod of the pump.


4. The concrete pump truck is brought into the water during maintenance, cleaning and oil change.

In order to better prevent the occurrence of hydraulic oil emulsification in concrete pump trucks, the first step is to better prevent moisture from entering the hydraulic system. Therefore, it is necessary to require that concrete pump trucks be maintained. And in the process of use, waterproof measures need to be done well:


1. Drainage of concrete pump trucks should be done in a timely manner, and waterproof measures are very important.

2. It is necessary to avoid replacing the hydraulic oil of the pump parts when it is raining. If necessary, it can be used completely to prevent the rainwater from entering the adopted measures.

3. When it is time for maintenance and repair of concrete pump trucks on rainy days, it is necessary to make the fuel tanks work well for waterproofing.


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