The unprecedented discovery of the Scottish Viking treasure is unprecedented

French TV News Channel “France 24 Hours” quoted AFP on October 13th as saying that British authorities stated on October 13th, local time, that a businessman discovered a large number of treasures in the Viking period in Scotland. The discovery of the treasure was unprecedented. It is reported that the businessman is a metal detector amateur.

According to reports, the treasures contain more than 100 items dating back to the 9th and 10th centuries. The person in charge, Stuart Campbell, said in an interview with AFP that it was the largest collection of Viking treasures discovered in Scotland since the 19th century. Not only for Britain, but also for Western Europe as a whole, these treasures are extremely important.

Campbell said that the treasures included items throughout Europe. For example, Irish amulets, Scandinavian gemstones, and some may belong to the Anglo-Saxon gold jewelry. In addition, there is a silver vase of the Galloline period. ”

According to reports, the treasures will belong to the British nation, but they will also pay a fixed amount of compensation to the treasurer according to the valuation of these items on the market. It is reported that the market value of a vase in the Galloline period alone was as high as 200,000 pounds (approximately RMB 1,960,800).

【Edit: TJ026】

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