The Zell am Ziller Volunteer Fire Brigade recently received the latest MAN TGS 18.400 4x4 fire engine. The vehicle is equipped with the EMPL TLF-A 3000/150/50 and is fitted with the Allison 4000 Series transmission. MAN Eggsenmann, manager of the municipal sales team at Austrian GmbH, said: “The MAN TGS18.400 4x4 equipped with Allison transmissions sets a new standard for heavy vehicles in the field of fire and emergency rescue. The Allison transmission, on the one hand, reflects our long tradition and on the other hand meets the specific requirements of the tender.The superior performance of the drivetrain in acceleration and shifting demonstrates the MAN truck in firefighting and emergency rescue. Market and technical leadership in the field." Zell am Ziller is located in the heart of the Ziller Valley and is a popular winter sports area in the Austrian Alps. The annual record of visitors staying here is 660,000 nights. The volunteer fire-fighting team's operation area is 41 square kilometers and covers a tunnel, three cable car companies, numerous hotels, alpine meadows and ski huts. The elevation difference in the work area is close to 2,000 meters. Siegfried Geisler, commander of the Zell am Ziller Fire Brigade, said: “In our rescue operations, we often need to climb uphill. Starting and braking on steep slopes, narrow roads and sharp turns requires the driver to concentrate. We need Allison automatic transmission. The box, because of its gearbox technology, will enable us to reach the scene of the accident faster and more safely even if we work under harsh conditions." In dealing with emergencies, 18-ton trucks need to climb quickly, which requires the engine power and torque to be completely transmitted to the drive wheels. The Allison 4000 Series fully automatic gearbox features a patented torque converter with uninterrupted power shift for excellent acceleration and continuous traction. Harald Rosenauer, Head of OEM, DOEM and Business Development at Allison Transmission in Western Europe, believes: “By providing Allison fully automatic transmission configuration as a series option, MAN Truck & Bus Co., Ltd. meets many fire department expectations for drive configuration. Exceptional vehicle dynamics, reliability, and ease of handling in extreme conditions. MAN Trucks and Bus Austrian and Allison Transmissions have created a partnership that is perfectly suited to the harsh conditions of heavy-duty rescue. Powertrain. Vehicles equipped with 400hp engine and Allison 4000 Series transmission have excellent acceleration and workability." In addition, the integration of the vehicle body and the pump unit is very important for the operation of fire engines. Remhard Gruber, EMPL's fire truck salesman, said: "EMPL is proud to have teamed up with MAN and Allison Transmissions to launch this model. Equipped with Allison's drive system, chassis, body and water pump work together efficiently. Plus EMPL's fire fighting technology, vehicles and their equipment can be fully competent for any job."
SBR Rubber Sheet
SBR Rubber Sheet is a copolymer of styrene and butadiene and has properties similar to Natural Rubber. It has good abrasion resistance, excellent impact strength, very good resilience and a high tensile strength.
It can be red,green,grey or blue colour etc and can cut difference size.
Product name
Product standard
Usage and property
SBR Rubber Sheet
Hardness:low middle high
The allowed temperature:min-35℃ max +60℃
Medium:air or water
Usage:Punching washer/gasket ring /seal of the door window.
Acid-resisting Rubber Sheet
Rubber Sheet
Hardness:low middle high
Medium:acidity liquid alkallnity liquid
Function:acid-resisting alkali-resisting
The allowed temperature:min-35℃ max +60℃
Usage:making all kinds of gasket ring/washer bedding equipment or surface.
Oil-resisting Rubber Sheet
Medium:engine oil,gasoline,lubriacting oil,transformer oil etc.
The allowed temperature:min-30℃ max +100℃
Usage:punching washer/gasket ring bedding surface of equipment.
Heat-resisting Rubber Sheet
Hardness:low middle high
Medium:steam,air,hot air
The allowed temperature:min100℃ max 250℃
Usage:punching all kinds of gasket ring/washer/gasket/board
Insulation Rubber Sheet
Hardness:low middle high
Function:prevent electricity/static electriaty.
The allowed voltage:max 50,000kv
Usage:This products is suitable for use in electriaty,oil chemistry,metallurgy,communication etc(spreading surface of punching all kinds of gasket ring/washer/boards)
Sbr Rubber Sheet,Industrial Rubber Sheet,Common Rubber Sheet,Black Rubber Slab HEBEI HENGDA SEALING MATERIALS CO.,LTD. , MAN TGS 18.400 4x4 Fire Engine
Photo of Zell am Ziller Fire Department and MAN
The first original MAN truck with Allison transmission was put into use
The MAN TGS truck with the Allison 4000 Series gearbox first made its debut at the 2015 Interschutz trade show and is now on the road in Tirol, Austria.