After many female drivers return home to their cars, what they like to do most is to go to the boutiques to pick up a wide variety of small decorations to make their cars look fancy and warm. A large number of plush toys are placed everywhere. And then what kind of steering wheel cover, towel cover, cushions, cushions, headrest cushions, floor mats, etc., will be able to decorate one of them. Even some girls do not have a handbrake and the shift lever is decorated with a few sets of dolls with a doll. Then in the relatively congested traffic stream, it is to change the third gear to the fourth gear. The result is that the decorative cover has slipped and the wrong operation has become a reverse gear. As a result, a series of cars have experienced a rear-end collision. Not only did it lose a lot of money in its own car, but it would be a big deal to reimburse others. Some female drivers who have just got a driver’s license are often very nervous about straightening their bodies because they are afraid and nervous during the driving process, or because their own stature is relatively small. In order to be able to make their sight more big, and then put their own as an adjustment of the incomparable forward, and even almost affixed to the steering wheel. This practice will allow the extreme flexion of the legs and arms when driving the vehicle, which has a great influence on the flexibility of driving the vehicle. Even when one's body leans forward, although the line of sight will become larger, the response will also become more dull. If there are some unexpected accidents, it will be easily injured by the opened airbag. So, it's better to stay at a safe distance There are also many female drivers who use the rearview mirror as their own makeup mirror. This will make it less convenient to observe the following situations. This poses a certain safety risk. So what are the female drivers, before driving a vehicle on the road, be sure to adjust the rear-view mirror in the right and left and inside the car to a more appropriate position. It is necessary to develop a situation in which you can use the rearview mirror to view the surrounding road conditions during driving. good habits.
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The female driver must know the safe driving knowledge