It was learned from Wuhan GEM Resources Recycling Co., Ltd. (Gemme) that the scrap car processing center of the company was officially put into production in Han in August, and it will become the first factory in China to realize the green processing of scrapped cars. Triple Tight Paint Can,Paint tin cans,Paint cans,Tin can,Round cans Jiangsu Fast Pack Co., Ltd ,
It is understood that the scrap car processing center, its processes include six major technologies and equipment systems such as process dismantling, crushing, color sorting, plastic sorting, parts remanufacturing, and IoT informationization. Recycling and harmless disposal can not only control the whole process through informationization, but also implement life cycle assessment and re-engineering of components.
According to Zhou Jifeng, general manager of GEM, according to the design, the completed scrap car processing center in Wuhan will handle 100,000 scrapped cars annually, and other 300,000 tons of complex waste materials containing colored metals. It is estimated that the annual sales income will reach 750 million yuan. "In the future, we hope to systematically implement an abandoned resource social system that covers the city and mine unlimited 'urban mines'."
·The country's first scrap car green processing center will be put into production in Han next month