Plate heat exchangers can be divided into categories according to their function or characteristics. The most common type is the Plate And Frame Heat Exchanger, which uses gaskets between its plates to create a hermetic seal between them. Another type is the Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger, which is a sealed unit where the plates are joined together by a brazing process. There are also welded plate heat exchangers, involving the use of welding, as well as semi-welded and fully-welded models. Pillow Plate Heat Exchanger consists of two thin metal plates with a herringbone structure on them, the plates are welded together to form a series of interconnected pillow chambers.
Plate heat exchangers are typically used for applications including heating, cooling, heat recovery and condensing, and are especially useful for industrial applications as they are compact. efficient, cost-effective, easy to use and require minima maintenance. Additionally, plate heat exchangers can be used totransfer fluids of different temperatures quickly and in a wide range of flow rates.
Plate heat exchangers are highly suitable for industrial and domestic applications such as air conditioning and refrigeration, radiators and condensers. Oil cooling, chemical processes, food and beverage processing.
Plate Heat Exchanger,Frame Heat Exchanger,Micro Plate Heat Exchangers,All Welded Plate Heat Exchanger Guangdong Jiema Energy Saving Technology Co.,Ltd ,
Abnormal climate conditions with a lack of rainfall and leaching. Compared with non-crop crops, the coverage of surface crops is significantly different, leading to significant differences in surface evaporation, plant transpiration, and root absorption of salt segregants, resulting in different levels of cropping under the fertilization Soil salinity migration and distribution have different degrees of influence. Indoor pot experiment was conducted to study the migration and distribution of soil salinity at the micro-scale of the plough layer under different fertilization levels in order to provide reference for reasonable fertilization of vegetable fields and prevention and control of soil secondary salinization. in accordance with.
Compared with the fertilization and watering after 3 days, the soil salinity migration and distribution had obvious changes after 50 days. The EC of 0~2cm and 2~5cm soil layers increased, the EC of 5~10cm soil layer decreased correspondingly, and the salt content of the lower soil layer migrated to the surface layer. Therefore, the surface soil salinity was significantly higher than that of other soil layers. The reason is that under greenhouse potting conditions, the temperature in the greenhouse is high and the evaporation of soil moisture is strong. The salt content in the lower soil rises with the water along the capillaries to the surface of the soil, and the water escapes from the salt, which leads to a large accumulation of salt in the soil surface.
According to the record analysis of the soil salinity recorder, it was found that the soil salinity accumulation phenomenon was very obvious regardless of whether the vegetable was planted or not, but the degree of salt concentration of the bare soil was not more. The soil EC at each level was lower than that at the soil level when the vegetable was grown, and the EC of the soil near the 0-2 cm soil layer was higher than that of the far root area. As there is no crop cover on the bare soil and the evaporation is more intense, the salt content of the soil will rise faster with the water through the capillary action to the soil surface, which will lead to the soil salt accumulation more easily on the surface of the bare soil.
Soil Salt Recorder Monitors Vegetable Soil
The amount of fertilizer required for the cultivation of vegetables is large, and in order to pursue high-yield farmers, fertilizers exceeding the required amount are often thrown in, but excessive fertilization brings unnecessary burden to the soil. The use of compound fertilizer and urea will lead to the deposition of nitrate in the soil. In combination with the use of fertilizers such as potassium chloride, it will be converted into calcium chloride and other salts in the soil, which will directly lead to the accumulation of NO3- and water-soluble salts in the soil. . The salt content of the soil can be recorded using a soil salinity recorder, which can be more effective in managing the soil.