Singapore: The Singapore Institute of Technology and Research (SMART) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a new water sensor technology that can detect the real-time properties of various contaminants and natural substances in water.
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Currently available water sensors can only detect one substance at a time, but this sensor has been able to successfully detect six substances simultaneously during the pilot phase.
Researchers say smart water sensors can detect excessive plankton in water.
Excessive plankton in the water can lead to low oxygen levels and cause large numbers of fish to die.
The sensor can also be connected to other devices that can be triggered according to security measures.
Dr. Kevin, scientific researcher at SMART, said: "If the sensor detects excessive phytoplankton in the water, it triggers an oxygen supply system in the fish farm and releases more oxygen in the water. A text message will be sent to remind farmers to understand the situation. â€
SMART's researchers spent five years developing the technology and it is understood that the expected market value of the reference sensor will exceed $25,000.
3. Safe,roof ROPS and FOPS approved
4. Heavy duty and verrsatile boom means direct,fast and accurate positioning
5.Feed rotation unit with 360 degrees rollover and 360 degrees rotation,could drill side doors and bolting holes
6.High performance with reliable hydraulic control system,ergonomically designed operator environment,good visibility and hand reach servicability on the panel
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8. Operation friendly for easy drilling and tramming
9.Main application:
9.1.Hard rock blasting holes drilling
9.3. Mining
9.4.Hydropower projects
9.5.Compact hydraulic station
9.6.The radiator for drilling machine can reduce the oil temperature efficiently to avoid hydraulic 9.7oil from changing to low viscosity or destroyed because of the very high temperature of oil.
9.8.The electric control box can protect the electric motor to operate safely.
New sensor detects pollutants in water in real time