New Coal Chemical Opportunity Extends in Industry Chain

Where does the coal chemical industry go? How to form large-scale advantages and develop downstream industries? How to avoid vicious competition caused by low-level redundant construction in policy formulation and planning?

The “cold winter” of the market has prompted the coal chemical industry with potential overcapacity and serious environmental threats to carry out structural adjustment and industrial upgrading. On April 15th, the Wenjin Round Table organized by the China Government Network and Xinhua News Agency’s “Financial National Weekly” held “New Opportunities and Technological Revolution in New Coal Chemical Industry”.

In the past 2014, we have seen several changes in our coal chemical policy.

First, the “modern coal chemical industry catalogue” in the “Western Regions encouraged the deletion of modern coal chemical projects. Then the National Energy Administration issued the “Circular on Regulating the Scientific and Orderly Development of Coal to Oil and Coal to Natural Gas Industry.” It called for local governments to control the blind development of coal and gas. , To violate the policy regulations to conduct the construction of the project to conduct accountability.

Then, the National Energy Administration issued the “Circular on the Approval of the Supervision and Administration of Coal-to-Coal and Coal-to-Gas Verification Regulations” to check the planning, approval, and investment construction of coal-based oil and gas projects in various places, focusing on finding out the “not approved before construction” projects. .

Afterwards, the discussion on coal chemical industry in the "Energy Development Strategic Action Plan (2014-2020)" and the compression of coal gas production targets were interpreted by the market as the country's attitude towards the development of modern coal chemical industry began to turn.

The cautiousness of the policy undoubtedly throws a cold water on the development of the coal chemical industry. At the same time, since the second half of last year, the large fluctuations in international crude oil prices have caused the economy of the coal chemical industry to become increasingly suspect, making the development of the industry more difficult. Under the background of the impact of some coal chemical accidents and the slowdown of economic growth in the previous period, the enthusiasm of companies investing in coal chemical projects has changed, and many projects are on hold or wait-and-see status.

However, as the director of the National Energy Administration, Nur Baikel, took office and went to the coal province to investigate coal chemical projects, he released a new signal of policy changes.

The necessity of developing coal chemical industry

Wu Tao: China's coal chemical industry development is walking in the forefront of the world. The development of domestic coal chemical industry is not a national strategy but a choice of companies in the context of high oil prices. Companies with high oil prices have incentives to develop coal chemical industry. When the price of oil is low, the development of coal chemical industry will be affected. At present, the price of oil is relatively low, and the company is cautious when it comes to coal chemical projects.

The great development of China's coal chemical industry is a process of continuous research and development of new technologies and industrial chains. A number of companies have jointly invested in research and development by multi-disciplinary research institutions and formed a flourishing phenomenon. According to the development direction of coal chemical products, it is still at the initial stage of the development of coal chemical industry, and the industrial chain can also be extended to continuously produce products with high added value.

The development of coal chemical industry is significant from the perspective of national security, economic security, energy security, transformation of the coal industry, and industrial upgrading. The prospects and potential for development are great. At the same time, it is undeniable that there are also many problems derived from coal chemical industry, which are highlighted by the water resources caused by large water consumption and environmental issues caused by production and emissions.

The state must consider water resources strategically. I personally believe that desalination will develop in the future. The environmental protection problems faced by coal chemical companies require companies to increase investment, capture carbon through technological advancement, and match them with greening activities.

Jin Yong: Domestic development of coal chemical industry must first recognize such backgrounds: China's policy of encouraging investment in coal chemical industry in the west has been transformed, the Datang coal chemical industry sector has been sold as a whole, international oil prices have fluctuated at low levels, and increasingly strict environmental protection standards have been adopted. Emissions are expected to peak at 2030.

China now imports nearly 300 million tons of oil every year, and its foreign dependence is close to 60%. If we count crude oil equivalent to imported chemicals, it will be even higher. In 2014, the total output of coal-to-oil production was 1.9 million tons, accounting for a small proportion of the gap of 300 million tons of crude oil.

Calculated from the energy content of fossil energy, one ton of coal and oil is 1 to 1.5, and the energy content of oil is more than 50% higher than that of coal. However, according to the coal price of RMB 300/ton and the refined product price of RMB 6000/ton, the ratio is 1 For 20, the coal price is calculated on the basis of energy being underestimated. This is the reason why coal chemical industry has made a profit.

Therefore, I think that the development direction of coal chemical industry is correct. We must make use of high-quality, high-quality, low-quality, and low-quality coal for inferior coal, and use it for quality separation to extract higher-value products.

Coal companies must develop coal chemical industry, not stop at the primary fuel, the primary fuel can only be sold to petrochemical enterprises, the money is earned by petrochemical enterprises. The coal chemical industry should be guided to extend the industrial chain. The company's ability to resist risks will also be large, such as making aromatic products.

We are making coal-to-aromatic plants and we can escape from the gasification process to avoid pollution during gasification and wastewater treatment. We must also broaden our horizons. Not only oil products, but also fuels can take many forms. For example, methanol and dimethyl ether can be directly used as fuels, and companies need to constantly explore.

Wei Fei: China lacks oil, but we have a huge market. If we count the crude oil consumed by imported chemicals, our country's dependence on foreign oil is between 80% and 90%. Therefore, China's industry is always fluctuating with international oil prices, and it seems to be sitting in a roller coaster ride. Therefore, we need to develop coal chemical industry and make up one leg of the chemical industry.

The places where oil is abundant all over the world are places where petrochemical development is good, but like Japan's lack of oil, chemical industry has developed better. At the beginning, Japan was also hit by the oil crisis, but companies went better to the high end of the chemical industry. Engineering plastics and carbon fiber were basically controlled by Japanese companies. As China is undergoing industrialization, its dependence on foreign oil is high. Japan's road to petrochemical industry is worth learning from.

Coal is the raw material

Wang Xiujiang: Modern coal chemical industry is a major highlight of China's petrochemical industry. Both industrial scale and technology are in the leading position in the world. However, there are indeed signs of overheating. One of the driving factors is high oil prices, and the other is the increasing dependence on foreign oil and chemical industries. Coal chemical industry has some real benefits.

Coal chemical industry can achieve clean and efficient conversion of coal, and use carbon dioxide (CCS) technology for production purposes. Coal chemical industry can also protect the country's energy security. Resource endowment determines that oil and gas are in short supply. Coal-based chemical industry can be used to replace the original petrochemical products as a beneficial supplement to the multiple development of co-existence of petrochemical routes, and at the same time, the surplus of coal can be resolved.

Coal chemical industry can also produce energy products and high value-added chemicals that are in short supply now, and take the path of diversification of raw materials. For example, coal oil can be made diesel. The development of coal chemical industry must be differentiated, high value-added, and large-scale. At present, most of the domestic petrochemical products are already in a serious surplus. Enterprises are all competing in the same way and they must choose different routes.

Coal chemical companies must also accurately and efficiently determine the scale of coal chemical development based on the red line and greenhouse gas emission capacity of each region.

The development of coal chemical industry should continue to innovate. We believe that one direction is to develop coal pyrolysis technology. China now produces about 1.9 billion tons of low-rank coal per year. Low-rank coal is rich in oil and gas, and 138 million tons of oil can be produced through pyrolysis. Compared to the scale of 200 million tons of oil produced in China, it is not a small amount, but at present this part of coal is burned in vain.

If coal has been subjected to a pyrolysis process prior to power generation and combustion, it can obtain both oil and gas, and then it can also go to generate electricity, and it can also replace civilian honeycomb coal.

There is also a trend of coal-fired heat and power generation. Coal chemical industry can generate heat while co-producing electricity. It can also be made into chemicals. The product contains dimethyl ether for residential fuel. The coal chemical production process has gasification air separation links and can provide oxygen and nitrogen for many gas industries. Carbon dioxide can be used as Coca-Cola, so cogeneration is a good direction.

Some domestic academicians and coal chemical experts have advocated cogeneration of coal chemical industry, but because coal is an industry, chemical industry is an industry, electricity is an industry, and trades are closely guarded. If the coalification is heated together, the overall energy efficiency can reach more than 80%.

Chen Xinhua: Coal chemical industry is mainly to meet the needs of domestic petroleum products and chemical products, and to make full use of coal resources, especially low-quality coal resources. The distribution of coal resources and water resources is also a prerequisite for discussing coal chemical industry. China's per capita water resources are much lower than the global average, and local coal resources with abundant coal resources are in short supply. Regardless of water resources, light considers coal chemical industry has no future, and water resources are the decisive factor in the scale of coal chemical industry.

Coal oil and coal chemicals should all be regarded as technological reserves. The scale of development is mainly to see whether we have sufficient competitiveness in the global market, whether there is profitability in the economy and whether there is sufficient water resources to support it. There is also how to solve the problem of carbon dioxide, and many uncertain factors are difficult to solve.

We recommend that plans be introduced as soon as possible to guide and standardize the development of the coal chemical industry; accelerate the formulation of environmental policies for the coal chemical industry; open up the integration of coal-fired heat and electricity to increase the overall utilization of coal; research pilot coal and petroleum comprehensive refining; Technology; development of energy conservation and utilization technologies; improvement of the proportion of high-end refined products in coal chemical industry; improvement of coal chemical and olefin high-end equipment manufacturing capabilities; use of our technology to develop overseas coal chemical markets such as Indonesia, Russia, and Ukraine.

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