Literacy: Lighting LED drive power term

LED driver power supply is the power converter to convert the power supply to a specific voltage and current to drive LED light. The following LED power supply manufacturers finishing a dedicated terminology on the LED driver power, so that everyone easier to understand LED driver power.

1, lighting LED driver lighting LED Driver

Lighting LED control and power supply device.

2, rating rating

The specific value of the driver under specified operating conditions, as specified in this specification or specified by the manufacturer or seller.

3, rated input voltage input voltage rating

The specific input voltage of the driver under specified operating conditions, as specified in this specification or specified by the manufacturer or seller.

This specification takes 220V.

4, rated output power rating power rating

The specific output power of a driver under specified operating conditions, as specified in this specification or specified by the manufacturer or seller.

5, start time turn ON time

AC power connected to the constant current output rated current (or constant voltage output rated voltage) 90% of the time set up.

6, overshoot overshoot

The phenomenon that the output DC voltage or the current exceeds the stable value caused by a certain influence transient is overshoot. Overshooting amplitude is the maximum transient amplitude of the output current or deviation from the stability value.

7, load regulation load STability

When all other influences remain constant, the relative change in the constant-current driver output current (or constant-voltage driver output voltage) due to the change in load.

8, the input voltage regulation voltage stability

When all other influences remain constant, the relative change in the constant-current driver output current (or constant-voltage driver output voltage) due to the change in the input voltage.

9, the output voltage ripple and noise Output Ripple & Noise

Output AC peak-to-peak included in DC voltage.

10, input the impact current input inrush current

When the power is turned on, the AC input loop maximum instantaneous current value.

11, the maximum shell temperature maximum case temperature tc

The maximum surface temperature of the enclosure when the drive is allowed to operate.

12, the maximum ambient temperature maximum ambient temperature

The maximum ambient temperature for proper drive operation.

13, creepage distance creepage distance

The shortest path between two conductive parts measured along the insulating surface or between the conductive part and the equipment protection interface.

14, clearance ELectrical clearance

The shortest spatial distance measured between two conductive parts or between conductive parts and the device's protective interface.

15, Dielectric strength

Dielectric strength refers to the voltage applied to the medium, when the voltage exceeds a certain limit, the sharp increase in current through the dielectric, the dielectric properties of the dielectric is destroyed, a phenomenon called dielectric breakdown, when the voltage is called Breakdown voltage, the corresponding electric field strength is called dielectric dielectric strength.

16, double insulation double insulation

Insulation consisting of basic insulation plus additional insulation.

Reinforced insulation

A single insulation structure that provides protection against electric shock equivalent to double insulation under the conditions specified in this specification.

NOTE The meaning of "insulating structure" does not mean that the insulation must be of a homogeneous texture. Such an insulating structure may consist of several insulating layers that can not be tested individually as additional or basic insulation.

18, flashover flashover

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