The launch of JetBlue Flight 915 forced the flight to make an emergency landing on Tuesday. Airport officials said the fire was caused by lithium batteries in electronic equipment. JetBlue Flight 915 left New York’s JFK airport on Tuesday evening and flew to San Francisco. But shortly after the plane took off, the smoke began to emerge from a backpack. The pilot decided to land the plane in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Passenger Alan Honniball said: "We suddenly heard a notice at 35,000 feet. We looked back at the 25th row of the plane and saw the smoke coming out. We don't know what happened. Allen and his daughter Kailey are on the plane. "I don't know what happened, I am scared, I don't know what to do," Kelly said. She said the smoke came from a backpack with a laptop charger. The fire had been extinguished before the plane landed, but the aircraft was parked for nearly three hours on the tarmac of Grand Rapids, Michigan, as emergency personnel needed to remove the unit and inspect it. In a statement, JetBlue confirmed the flight of Route 915. “Smoke is emitted by the electronic equipment in the carry-on baggage.†Lithium batteries have recently caught the attention of people, and lithium batteries in some devices will accidentally catch fire. Most rechargeable electronic devices, such as laptops, are powered by lithium batteries. According to the US Federal Aviation Administration, 12 devices have been triggered by lithium or lithium battery-powered devices this year. The passengers said that the crew responded quickly to the incident and everyone remained calm. Flight 915 landed safely in San Francisco on Wednesday morning. No one was injured on the plane. Uv Absorber,2-Anilino-6-Dibutylamino-3-Methylfluoran 99%,Opa 99%,O-Phthalaldehyde For Pharmaceutical Intermediate Henan Tianfu Chemical Co.,Ltd ,
JetBlue’s aircraft caused a crash due to a lithium battery fire.