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Fednav orders 12 ballast water management systems
      Recently, Canada International Ships Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Channel Management Company Fednav announced that it ordered 12 ballast water treatment systems for ships being built in Japan. According to reports, this will make Fednav the first shipping company to announce the installation of ballast water treatment systems in Canada and the Great Lakes.
According to Fednav , the BallastAce ballast water treatment system ordered by the company was developed by JFE Engineering Japan, which can handle both fresh water and seawater. The ballast water treatment system will be installed on the newly built Great Lakes vessel from Fednav. BallastAce ballast water treatment system and a filter through which the ship ballast system, the injection mechanism sodium hypochlorite treated ballast water. Fednav said the company chose the BallastAce ballast water treatment system after years of testing.
Fednav said that the contract with JFE Engineering promised to install the BallastAce ballast water treatment system on its 12 large lake vessels being built at the Big Island Shipyard in Japan. JFE Engineering will install the BallastAce ballast water treatment system on the "FederalBiscay" lake ship delivered in October 2015. Therefore, Fednav will introduce the BallastAce ballast water treatment system to the Great Lakes when the St. Lawrence Canal sails in 2016.