Analysis of Perfect Control System in Artificial Climate Room The artificial climate chamber is also called the intelligent artificial climate chamber and has various control functions such as temperature control (hot and cold temperature control), humidity control (humidification and dehumidification), light control (with or without light), and time program control (temperature, humidity, and Illumination according to time program switching) and other functions. The artificial climate room adopts intelligent micro-computer control. The fuzzy control of the FPID is very good, and accurate control of various parameters is achieved. In similar products, it has great technical advantages. The size of the artificial climate chamber (length × width × height) is 4m × 3m × 2.6m. The library's six-sided library plate adopts δ100mm high-density polystyrene white library plate (density: 20kg/m3, color plate thickness: 0.43mm). The library door adopts a stainless steel standard closed type storage door with a height×width×thickness of 192×80×10 cm, which is equipped with a luxury security lock and a viewing hole on the door. Below we mainly analyze the control system of the artificial climate room: the artificial climate room is designed and manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the national industry standard JB/T 6823-93 "Biological artificial climate chamber technical conditions", so all indicators can meet the standard measurement, but also The main product of each testing department. The temperature control and humidity control of the artificial climate chamber adopts the FPID fuzzy control. When the temperature is controlled, the ambient temperature, the setting temperature of the growth chamber, the light intensity, and the dehumidification status are all involved in the temperature adjustment, and the temperature control is perfect; and the humidity control. At this time, the PID control of the dehumidification and humidification is performed according to the humidity deviation, and the cooling condition is introduced into the humidity control system. Therefore, the humidity control can be more accurate. The artificial climate room can also be used as a seed germination room because the temperature, humidity, light, and illuminance required for seed germination can all be controlled and provide an optimum environment for seed germination. Therefore, artificial climate chambers have a strong use in agriculture. we have pure bronze flange and bi-metallic flange,we also produce nibco flange,the material is CC491K and CC499K,bronze flange,bi-metallic flange,nibco bronze flange,gunmetal flange bronze flange,bi-metallic flange,nibco bronze flange,gunmetal flange Taizhou Runde Company ,
Analysis of Perfect Control System in Artificial Climate Room