2010 Xichai’s main revenue exceeded 10 billion yuan

In 2010, Xichai sold more than 400,000 units of diesel engines, an increase of 19% year-on-year; converted car sales exceeded 12,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 49%; and its main business revenue exceeded 10 billion yuan, an increase of 31% over the same period last year. The employees delivered an excellent transcript and also made Xichai's three ventures perfect.

In 2008, Xichai formulated the company's “313 Strategic Objectives,” which means that within three years, by 2010, 300,000 units of product sales will be realized, sales revenue will be 10 billion yuan, and profits will reach 300 million yuan. Through the unremitting efforts of all Xichai people, Xichai has successfully achieved the "313 Strategic Objectives," which reflects the entrepreneurial passion of all Xichai people for "competition, innovation, and responsibility."

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